Your guide to strategic planning
  • Every company needs to understand where and how to move forward, which means they need a strategy!
  • Many business leaders develop their strategy on their own. But how can they insure against mistakes? The cost of a poor-quality strategy can be critically high!
  • For this we created StratMaster! It is an artificial intelligence-based software product that uses the experience of hundreds of successfully implemented strategies. The algorithms and methods of these strategies are carefully verified by experienced strategic consulting experts.
How does it work?
The owner of the company or a group of top managers, with the help of certain software interactively, moves along a well-considered and clear algorithm for developing a strategy.

StratMaster will guide you through the 3 following steps in strategy development:
What does my company look like today?
Describing the current state of your company, which is the starting point of the strategic path. It is important to describe this state as objectively as possible
How do I want to see my company tomorrow?
Modeling the desired image of the company in the future, which will be the final point of this strategic interval. Modeling the target business model
What should we do for this?
Working on an extremely specific action plan, that will assist the company in moving from its current state to the desired outcome

As a result you will receive a high-quality and extremely specific document, a concept strategy, that will contain:
  • An image of the future of the company in the form of a business model
  • Strategic KPIs and their target values
  • The main actions that will lead the company to the desired image
  • Values that are important to share with each team member in order to achieve these strategic goals
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